The  STAHS '58 Classmates, held their 

50th Anniversary Reunion

on May 31, 2008.

Front row L to R,
L Michael Robinson, Dorothy Strelchun, Sr. Michael Joanne Shea, SND, MaryLou Naples Gienopie, Annette Scamoni Stankelis,
Linda Cianci Knightly, Sr. Theresa McQueeney, SND, Roland Rouleau, Betsy Beauchene Libretta, Judith Legas and Ginger Heslin Grover.

Back row L to R,
John M. Peshka, Charles "Chick" Quinn, Michael Meehan Carol Squillacote Nadolny, John S. Mucha, Peter Bartlewski, Armand Zottola,
Peter Centurelli, Joseph Puzzo, Br. James Rio, Joseph Tufano and Thomas Bozek.

Anyone wishing to know more info,call John Peshka at 860-224-0524

or e-mail him >>jpeshka at juno dot com

John M. Peshka '58

John Peshka, Class of '58 also has the latest updates of class alumni lists

Contact him at the E-Mail address above

 E-Mail comments, suggestions or class news to the  **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**

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