50th Class Reunion
1st Row - Arlene Neurath Knutson , Maureen Meligonis Guite, Patricia Schyed DosSantos, Sandy Carlson Margentino, Carol Godfrey Dropick, Paul Margentino, Rolamd Baikal, William Krans, William Koval
2nd Row- Stanley Palasek, William Richards, Philip Michalowski, Gerald Zale, Anthony Costanzo, Daniel DePinto, Daniel Carney
3rd Row - Gerald Vitkauskas, Janet Cormier Kupferschmidt, Nancy Cashman Ball, Barbara Skinger Somers, Roberta Schaefer Stack, Lorraine McCormack Gibson, Stanley Sztaba, Frank Matera, Larry Hogan, Sister Beatrice Marie, Kathleen Rivers Garner, Barbara Pandolfi Killius, Patricia Cooley Doyle, John Toal, Paul Humason, Ronald Giddix, Raymond Kozlowski, Richard Marietta, Ben Burrell
4th Row - Partick Hemingway, Robert Dabrowski, Joyce Whitney Dabrowski, Paula LaPenta Janazzo, Patricia Petrisko Mele, Eileen Chester Daverio, Evelyn Cloos Zack, Frank Kristopik, Jack Gibson, Marilyn Veneziano Feldman, Karen Roden Cianci, Mary Jenuska Marrocco ,Catherine Coffey Salka, Janet Semnowski Barneschi, Geraldine Fuschillo Capello, Peter Kummer, Judy Zabrensky Dechane, Joan Connolly O’Loughlin, James O’Loughlin, Edward Bratina
5th Row- Robert Kosmidek, Elizabeth Baylock Giacobbe, Barbara Nowobilski Misko, Maureen McInerney Mitchell, Marilyn Schweitzer Noel, Arlene Rudnick Schweitzer, Anne Donovan, Patricia McNamara Salvatore, Yolanda Gorska Stuliglowa, Cynthia Radio Smith, Sandra Rondini Heim, Dorothy Pzynski Hemingway
Click here for photos of the Reunion
The 50th Class reunion of the Class of 1960 of St. Thomas Aquinas High School, is now a memory but with happy thoughts and long friendships. It was good to see everyone there were 65 classmates that attended with wife's & husbands and friends. Started with a pizza party on Sept. 17, as classmates arrived everyone would stare at each other for awhile, then it clicked and you remembered who the person was, otherwise you needed the name tag. Everyone enjoyed walking around talking to everybody, pizza was great also.
Saturday: Mass at St. Peter's was packed with classmates and spouses. Msgr. Larry Hogan & Rev. Frank Matera concelebrated Mass. Fr. Matera had a wonderful homily, just before Mass ended there was a table set aside of our deceased classmates in a frame with a beautiful vase of white roses a special prayer was said. Then it was to Indian Hill CC, as you entered you received your reunion book and name tag, which had our picture on it (thank goodness). Sr. Marie Beatrice was the only nun to attend. The room was decorated with green & white balloons, and white mums on the tables. Buffet was delicious, everyone seem just to walk around stop at tables and talk, everyone stayed till 11:00 p.,m. Roland Baikal, our class president welcomed everyone. Msgr. Larry Hogan gave a little talk, he mentioned how he thought the girls from the class, would be wearing their uniforms, of course it was the laugh of the evening....I think the only thing that might fit was the our BEANIES we had to wear to Mass. Msgr. also wore his class ring....which most of forgot or would not fit. Then awards were handed out...the person who traveled a long distance out of the country was Msgr. Hogan, Austria. The person traveled a long distance in the USA was Arlene Neurath from Colorado. Most Children total of 7 was William Krans and he also received the award for the Most Grandchildren...19.
Dottie Pzynski Hemingway gave a Reunion Toast she wrote:
Here's to our legs.....May they continue to stand
Here's to our waist...May it cease to expand
Here's to our chin...May there be only one
Here's to our eyes...May the still sparkle with fun
Here's to our ears...May the volume stay steady
Here's to our hair....May it stop thinning already
Here's to our Head and Heart...May they continue to be filled with the love of God, Family & Friends
Music was supplied by Ronald Giddix Grandson, songs of the 1960's, which he put on different CD's, you may order them if you wish, this would be a nice Christmas Gift to give your grandchildren or save for your great grandchildren...so they would know what the the GOOD OLD DAYS WERE LIKE!! All of the Music CDs includes 115 electronically enhanced Nostalgic Tunes from the 50's & 60's. played during the evening. For the 50s music there are 3-CDs available and for the 60s music 2-CDs are available for purchase. The cost is: 3-50s Music CD includes 73 tunes..$41.00 (inc.shipping)
2-60s Music CD includes 42 tunes..$31.00 (inc. Shipping). for more information and order please contact Ronald Giddix P.O.Box 1802 Bristol, Ct. 06011, or E-mail: **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**
A class picture was taken at the reunion. This picture is posted on the website.
Corrections to class booklet:
The correct the address for William Schiffert in the reunion book to 60 Shady Hill Lane, Middletown,Ct.06417
The correct e-mail address for Robert Kosmidek **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**
Brunch on Sunday was filled with so many classmates, we had a private room. Now it was time to stay goodbye, and hoped everybody would keep in touch. The asked when the next reunion would be somebody suggested in 5 years or 10 years something small just like a dinner. We need your ideas what you might like to have please notify Roland Baikal **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.** or Lorraine McCormack Gibson **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.** .
Below are comments on the reunion that people e-mailed me (**This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**) We will keep the web-site running till the end of the year. I you hear any information about our classmates I ask that you notify me ,Barbara Misko and will pass on to the Maraquin Website.
JOHN TOAL...I just wanted to thank all of you for the time and effort you put into organizing and executing an extremely successful reunion weekend. I have participated in similar undertakings and am well aware of just how much work goes into it. It may look and sound easy but ...I must admit one of the benefits I really enjoyed about being on these types of committees was working and "yukking it up" with folks I had known under other and different circumstances. I hope that was true for all of you. Unfortunately I was unable to participate in the Friday and Sunday get-togethers but was delighted with the Saturday event. I t was great to see everyone. I look forward to seeing you at the next one and will be happy to help out in anyway I can to make it another great reunion.
JANET CORMIER KUPFERSCHMID...What a undertaking! The reunion book is fabulous! You thought of everything! We are still looking at it and reading what classmates have accomplished daily! What a fun weekend...how great to reconnect t with people we haven't seen in ages. Over all, thought the women were more easily recognizable than the men! Thank you all so much for your huge part in making the weekend a success!
MARILYN SCHWEITZER NOEL... Had a fantastic time at the reunion. Everyone did a great job. Correction on my E-mail address: **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.** (I had left out the n)
REV. FRANK MATERA....Just a brief note to say thank you for all that you did in helping to organize the reunion and to put together the reunion book. I read through it the other night, and I enjoyed it very much. It was a wonderful weekend exceeding all of my expectations.
BARBARA SKINGER SOMERS...I would like to thank you and of the members of the committee for a wonderful and well-planned 50th reunion. The book you made up was was quite impressive and very informative. Anyone can see that a lot of planning and work went into all. I was glad I attended. Thanks again it was greatly appreciated. the only thing missing was the singing of "WHEN THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN"
MSGR. LARRY HOGAN....Thanks for all that you and the other members of the reunion committee did to make our 50th the wonderful success that it was Bringing back so many memories is something one does at our age rather frequently. Who knows when we will meet again? But I for one would be happy to try to come to a 55th naturally in smaller format than the 50th. I wish you God's continued peace and joy.
JAMES OSKINIS: Sorry I missed the reunion. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the reunion pictures they were fabulous. It was amazing how you see the flash backwith some of the folks-but yet others have certainly changed over time. For the record I have read every word in the reunion book and have it enjoyed it as much as anything I have gotten in the past few years. The white flowers as a memorial for the deceased classmates was yet another nice touch. You and the committee did a great job-kudos to all!!!
SR, ELLEN AGRITELLY: What a great job you did gathering all the information and putting it together. I had so much fun going through each page. Can you believe that we are celebrating #50??? I can't believe the number of our classmates who are deceased. I'm sorry I missed the reunion, we had a wonderful celebration of our 50 years in Notre Dame. My Aquinas days both as student, and as VP & P are wonderful memories.
SR. MICHAEL JOANNE,SND : Thank to the class of 1960 for the generous check sent to the Sisters of Notre Dame, it will be a memorial for deceased classmate & teachers. I enjoyed going thru the book page by page to see what all of you been up to. Glad reunion was wonderful. Just to let you know Sr. Imelda Marie is now in St. Mary;s Nursing Home (she needs lots of care). She is waiting for a bed in our nursing home Notre DAme in Worcester, Mass. Please prayer for sister and all of us.
BOB KOSMIDEK: Many thanks to the entire commitee. We enjoyed every minute.
NANCY CASHMAN BALL: I am very grateful for the yearbook and the conversations I had that evening with old classmates. I think the most wonderful part was that we had a beautiful Mass and were able to include our classmates who have died. It made me very happy to be Catholic and have us all present at this Mass. The fact that it was concelebrated by classmates made it even more special. Thank you to the committee. I cherish the memory of the evening and having the yearbook at my fingertips. God Bless you.
E-Mail comments, suggestions or class news to the **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**
This page was last modified: 10/23/2010 17:38:40