
Class of '66




Class of '66 is planning their 50th Reunion!!!

November 12th at

The Bella Vista Room

Hawks Landing Country Club

 Pattonwood Drive

Southington, Connecticut

(please note this is a change in venue)


 Leanne Mangan Valengavich - leannev748 - at aol or

 Pam Dobek Bobrowski - pambob - at sbcglobal or

 Lina Williams - lindyjane - at comcast or

 Kathy Rusch - karusch - at cox or

 Mary Jane Cullum Parlow - parlow83 - at aol

 These IDs are all at dot net except for AOL which is a dot com


 The committee has sent out save the date notices for the Class of 1966’s 50th reunion.

If you did not receive a notice, it means we do not have contact information for you.

Please contact a committee person with your name, address, and email information so we can keep you informed. 

See you at the reunion!


 E-Mail comments, suggestions or class news to the **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**

This page was last modified: 06/11/2016 17:43:25

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